Hai! Welcome to my notes vault. I’m Nara (she/they) and I’m slowly trying to fill this place out with random bits of knowledge I collected. Everything is still very much under construction, but it’s all cool tech. Instead of having another generic notion website or blog I wanted something more retro, but still fast and easy to edit. If you’re wondering How Does This Site Even Work, there’s a page for that!


This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your webpage to help him gain world domination.

As for who I actually I am: I’m just a dweeb on the internet doing computer stuff. I like meeting cool people that do cool things. In my free time I either read a lot of web fiction, or work on any of my dozens of projects, none of them actually being finished… Anyhow, I spent a lot of time in Blender and Unity, and learning how to optimize avatars but haven’t had much time lately to complete anything. I’m cooking though, just wait! My other side project is learning how to DJ, I like listening to hyperflip (or dariacore) so why not turn it into a creative skill as well. I also try to slowly write out all my knowledge down on a website, but I haven’t update it in a while. I swear I’ll do it eventually…

Here’s a drawing someone did of my character!

i spend 4 hours trying to get these cool notes working. you can drag them around!

Feel free to explore around with the explorer on the left (if you are on PC!), but if you are feeling lazy check out my Consumed Media to see how indulge myself in internet culture.

i recently revamped the site so stuff might be veryyy broken