This is such a good “treat yo self”-meal. Takes some effort though and it’ll make the kitchen a mess.

tl;dr Just use sukiyaki sauce for everything.

Basic ingredients:

  • Noodles (udon ones also work)
  • Sukiyaki sauce
  • Chicken broth/stock


  • pork/chicken/beef/tofu
  • spring onions
  • shiitake mushrooms
  • carrots (those thinly sliced)
  • dried seaweed
  • whatever you can think of!

Rough steps:

  1. Prep the soup base. Grill the shiitake (and other toppings that need to be grilled), and some of the spring onions in a bit of light oil in a soup pan. Add some sukiyaki to let it seep into the toppings.
  2. Grill the protein in a different pan. Don’t add the sukiyaki immediately as it will stick to the pan.
  3. Add water and the chicken broth to the soup base. After that cooks add the noodles.
  4. Put the meat/tofu in a bowl. Scoop up some of the noodles and soup, then add the fresh toppings (spring onion, carrots seaweed), and you’re done!