I wanted to make soup.

Basic Onion Soup

Transcribed from YouTube.

  • onions, sliced into stripes
  • butter
  • 3 pints (1.7L) of water
  • bread
  • vinegar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • seasoning with salt and pepper

Cut the onions into strips. Melt butter into a pan (flat). Caramelize the onions in the pan until brown. Add flour and slow stir until even. Add 3 pints of water. Get the hard parts of bread (perhaps toast it) and add it. Aside, get the 3 egg yolks with vinegar to taste, and separately mix it with some of the soup base before adding to the pan.

The classic French onion soup which I used to make working in a French restaurant - and the Head Chef said mine was better than his - was a bit different from this, no flour/roux. Sweat a lot of onions down until they start to caramelise. Then add sugar, a splash of white vinegar, some white wine, and beef stock - we actually used Knorr powder. Then to serve we put the hot soup in an oven resistant dish, with a crouton - basically a pre-toasted slice of baguette - on top, with grated Gruyere over it (but you could use Emmenthal or another cheese) and finish in the oven for a few minutes. Ratios are importing, it should be 2/3rds onion, 1/3rd liquid. There’s also another version using milk and vegetable stock, Tiroler Zwiebelsuppe, which does use a roux, and is garnished with herbs.

A comment on YouTube from @simonh6371