The Big Screen Beyond (BSB) is a small formfactor VR headset.

Big Screen Beyond’s power delivery is too weak to power EyeTrackVR, audio DAC, and face tracking. It’s recommended to use a high quality USB cable in parallel to handle mouth and eye tracking and sleeve this together with the BSB.

90 Hz mode uses DSC 1.2 which requires a 20-series Nvidia GPU or a 5000-series AMD GPU.

Modding (WIP)

I ordered a BSB, this is what I want to add on to it.

  • BSB audio strap (1x USB-C)
  • Eye tracking (3x USB-C)
    • Seed Studio XIAO ESP323S3
    • OV2640 130deg, 75mm (2x)
    • EyeTrackVR v4 mini solder-less LED kit
  • Vive mouth tracker (1x USB-C)
  • 3D printing
  • Face tracking cabling (TODO)
    • USB 3.0 cable
    • USB-C 3.0 hub (maybe 2.0 is good enough?)
    • Cable sleeving

BSB audio strap goes directly into the BSB. A parallel USB cable will do data and power for the eye and face tracker. Maybe power is enough to put eye tracking and audio on BSB USB and only vive tracker separately… I don’t know.


3D Printable

Stuff to buy
